What is John F. Barnes Myofascial Release? It centers around the most ignored system in your body.... The Fascial System.
What Is Myofascial Release?
Quite simply, Myofascial Release is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore range of motion. The difference from other techniques is the absence of the use of force to manipulate the tissue. Myofascial Release is not active stretching, and not “deep tissue.” Myofascial Release addresses the unique properties of the Fascia which cause the fascial restrictions to release on their own, providing fast and long lasting relief from chronic pain and limited range of motion, all without discomfort, risk of injury, or side effects. Additionally, since the Fascia creates the spaces which all the components of the body occupy, i.e. muscle, bone, tendons, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerve fibers, all the way down to the individual cells (cells actually contain a miniature fascial network), Myofascial Release can address issues and associated symptoms resulting from the effects of fascial restrictions on any of these systems.

So you don't have to be in pain to benefit from MFR. Since the fascia surrounds every structure in the body, restrictions can result in a dysfunction in any system in the body. Myofascial Release can help with digestive issues, sleep disturbances, chronic swelling, anxiety, depression, painful menstrual cycles, and on and on.
Start your path to true healing by booking your session today.
Myofascial Release
60 minutes $165
90 minutes $215
120 minutes $250
packages are available, prepay and save!
Request a FREE 30 minute discovery session. Have your questions answered, receive a free evaluation and a short treatment before deciding if MFR is right for you. Contact us today!